

英漢字典: knock over

1. strike from an erect to a prone position把…打翻;打倒

    He knocked the thief over with one blow. 他一拳將小偷打翻在地。

    Carelessly, I knocked my teacup over and the tea went all over the table cloth. 我不小心把茶杯打翻了,台布上全是茶。

2. upset;distress使心煩意亂;使痛苦

    The family was completely knocked over at the news. 一家人都被這個消息攪得心煩意亂。

3. get rid of去掉

    They knocked over a lot of difficulties and succeeded at last. 他們克服了許多困難,最後終于成功了。

4. get through with完成;辦完

    He knocked over his exercises in half an hour. 他在半小時內完成了作業。

5. steal; rob偷;搶

    These gangsters are experienced in knocking over banks. 這些匪徒對搶劫銀行是很老練的。

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